Enslaved - CD - Axioma Ethica Odini (Re-Issue)

12,99 € (14.81 $)

12,99 €



"Axioma Ethica Odini" By Norse Music Re-Issue on CD Digipak! 

Paired with the re-issue of "Vertebrae", as these two Enslaved-albums also form an important pair musically; as many of the bands releases do, forming pairs in dynamics sonically and conceptually. By now Enslaved was "up and running" with the turn to the more progressive and avant-gardist directions more or less completed with its more mellow predecessors - "Axioma Ethica Odini" came as a lightning strike from the golden heavens of Valhalla itself - with its more direct approach and songwriting.

A big part of the big leap forward in production was the transition to using the band's own studios in Bergen in addition to getting co-producer (and present drummer) Iver Sandøy onboard as well as recording parts in his Solslottet Studios, also in Bergen - and then taking all those recording over to Jens Bogren at Fascination Studios, Örebro, Sweden for mixing. The powerful sound that resulted set a new standard for both Enslaved and progressive Extreme Metal.

The By Norse Music (Ivar Bjørnson's own label) re-issue features two special songs recorded during the same sessions as the album and previously only released as a 7" single; the hypnotic ethereal "Migration" (inspired by Enslaved's collaborative commissioned piece at Molde International Jazz festival in 2008) and the doom-version of Frost-classic "Jotunblod" re-imagined for a special set at Roadburn Festival 2010. This issue features analytic and in-depth liner notes by Dom Lawson of Metal Hammer UK and Prog Magazine fame - a longtime friend and supporter of the band's uncompromising preference of the roads not taken.

The design of the album is beautifully redone with new details, colors layout solutions by Marcelo Vasco (Slayer, Kreator, Machine Head), all while staying true to the original artwork by longtime Enslaved-cover artist Truls Espedal.


1. Ethica Odini
2. Raidho
3. Waruun
4. The Beacon
5. Axiom
6. Giants
7. Singular
8. Night Sight
9. Lightning
10. Jotunblod (Doom) - Bonus Track
11. Migration - Bonus Track

Label: By Norse Music
Media Type: CD Digipak
Release date: November 8, 2019
Genre: Metal / Viking Black Metal

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